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December 21, 2012



The cosmic elements set in motion long ago for Planet Earth are of their own now arriving. What some Mayan writers have called Underworld house events, refer to specific frequency inductions.The inductions reflect the seven sub octaves of the fourth dimensional Galactic Underworld frequencies of Earth, and the seven levels within each sub octave for a total of forty nine major inductions


The inductions are for the expansion of your mass consciousness, to conclude at the end of two thousand and twelve, specifically December 21.


 The inductions have been occurring more or less a year apart. The first induction hit at approximately ten a.m. on October ten, nineteen sixty two. Over the next seven years, through the seven levels of the first sub octave of Intelligence, you were moved up from a complete ignorance of consciousness into the awareness of consciousness.


Approximately forty nine years later the inductions will end, marking the end of the Mayan calendar during which you are being moved up into the use of consciousness.


The seventh house will conclude with the forty ninth state, the seventh level of Triune within the seventh sub octave of Triune. At the end of the seventh house marking the end of the Mayan calendar which is given as December twenty first, two thousand and twelve, all Energies will be in place for you to move up rapidly into the proper use of consciousness.


The date of December 21 is the critical factor. December twenty first is the beginning of the Capricorn astrophysical frequency This time around the date has the specific purpose of a benchmark which seals your spiritual status.The astrophysical principle of Capricorn is 'The gate of life and gate of death'. Those who have started to move up into a positive acceptance of the higher factors through the Mayan expansions will pass through the gate of life.


Some of the more adept of you will begin to experience fifth dimensional awarenesses within your consciousnesses. Some of you will start re-incarnating into the fifth dimension instead of back into the third and fourth dimensions of the Galactic Underworld.


The remainder of you will continue on the basis of a locked in progression of successive positive incarnations through to the conclusion of Aquarius two thousand years from now at the beginning of the Capricorn dispensation. After which, you will likewise begin reincarnating into the fifth dimension instead of back into the third and fourth dimensions.


Those of you who pass through the gate of death will continue incarnating until Capricorn at the same level of consciousness as you are now, where they will then continue incarnating within the galactic underworld on other of the regressed planets for another cycle of cycles.


It is important that you be spiritually predisposed to these changes. The purpose of the consciousness expansions was for you to come back into greater understanding of your role in Creation as Christ responsible Beings of love and service to the Creation for the Creators if you are a Descendant, and to come into an awareness of it if you are an Ascendant.


Two thousand years from now, in an action called 'The Final Judgement', the lesser evolutionary condition on Earth's surface will be removed. Those of you still on Earth's surface and within its astral realms the time, and still bearing lesser conditions will start becoming divested to other Planets in order for Earth to finish its own final run to evolutionary conclusion unencumbered. Those stalwart Souls of you who remain on Earth will continue to evolve harmoniously in Earth's fifth dimension to your destiny as marshals of Earth unto the womb of Orion.


Two hundred and fifty thousand years from now you will unite in consciousness, or another Root Race brought in if you Adamics fail to rise to the occasion, and teleport Earth to the womb of Orion as a protostar to begin its next evolutionary stage as an eventual Quasar.

For more details about the final judgement, See=>

For The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega, See=> www.revelatorium.com




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